If you want to post content that features others, you have 2 options:
1. connect with registered creators;
2. add unregistered co-creators to your account via a release form;
To connect with registered creators:
- open "Account Settings" from the profile menu;
- scroll down to "Connected Creators";
- enter the email address of the creator you'd like to connect with (the email should be linked to their account);
- click Request to Join and wait for them to accept it;
To add an unregistered person to your account:
- click Unregistered Persons in the same "Connected Creators" block;
- then you can do the following:
- either download the release form, fill it out with the person you want to add and upload the required photos by clicking Upload Signed Release Form;
- or click Request Consent by Link and send it to that person, they will have to go through the steps themselves;
Once the person is added, our moderation team will review the request.