Share link to your club on social media
The idea is to attract people from outside of My.Club, so you are welcome to share the link to your club anywhere.
To copy the link to your club:
1. open your profile page or "Account Settings";
2. click on the Share button;
3. click on the link you'd like to share;
Share free trial links
You are also welcome to share your free trial links. They allow joining your club for free for a limited time.
1. go to "Account Settings" and open the "Pricing" tab;
2. scroll down to the "Free Trial Membership" block;
3. click Create Trial Link and configure it;
Share your posts and stories
Repost your My.Club posts and stories outside the platform.
For posts:
1. go to a post you want to share and click / tap the icon with three dots;
2. сlick / tap Copy Post Link;
3. Paste it on your socials and elsewhere;
For stories:
1. open the story you want to share and click / tap More at the bottom;
2. click / tap Share and the link will be copied to your clipboard;
Feature in the Discover section
The "Discover" page consist of "Posts", "Hashtags", and "Special Requests".
📣 To get featured, publish 🔥 content, don't forget to add #hashtags and activate your "Request Menu".